Aku melihat setan bahwa Tuhan mengatakan kepada saya berada di belakang Injil kemakmuran, Ie hanya berkhotbah tentang berkat dan mengabaikan pesan keselamatan.
Tuhan membuat jelas bahwa adalah pekerjaan setan dan bukan Allah.
Allah sangat senang dengan pengkhotbah yang tidak memberitakan Injil penuh tetapi hanya memberitahu orang-orang apa yang telinganya mereka ingin mendengar.
Jika Anda salah satu dari orang menteri, bertobat sekarang dan mulai berkhotbah apa yang ada di hati Yesus;. jalan keselamatan
aku melihat iblis lain bahwa Tuhan mengatakan kepada saya adalah roh ketakutan.
Saya melihat bahwa ketika membuka mulutnya, beberapa bentuk kabut akan dibebaskan dari mulutnya dan menutupi penginjil, pengkhotbah dll menyebabkan mereka akan sangat ditimbulkan oleh rasa takut.
Meskipun mereka mengetahui kebenaran, mereka menjadi begitu takut memberitakan itu.
Tuhan adalah sangat senang dengan Injil kemakmuran dan Dia mengatakan kepada saya bahwa karena tidak menyenangkan-Nya, orang-orang akan tetap menerima pesan dari para pengkhotbah Injil kemakmuran tentang bagaimana Allah akan menyebabkan mereka untuk mencapai kesejahteraan namun pada kenyataannya orang-orang tidak akan menerima berkat-berkat karena mereka hidup dalam dosa.
Mereka akan menghadapi tertutup surga karena Tuhan ingin kebenaran terlebih dahulu sebelum kita mencari berkat-berkat.
Jutaan dan jutaan jiwa yang endingup di neraka karena ketika mereka pergi ke gereja mereka tidak mengatakan yang sebenarnya, mereka hanya diberitahu tentang berkat.
Tapi apa uang jika Anda kehilangan jiwa Anda?
Alkitab mengatakan nabi Tuhan akan membuat orang dari mereka dosa.
Dan Tuhan mengatakan jika mereka telah berdiri di hadapan-Nya mereka akan berpaling orang dari dosa mereka.
Jika setiap kali Anda pergi ke gereja semua yang Anda dengar adalah berkat tanpa diberitahu tentang realitas Surga dan neraka, tentang kedatangan Kristus dan kekudusan Yesus membutuhkan, menjalankan untuk hidup Anda karena jiwa Anda sangat berharga.
Injil kemakmuran hanya trik Setan untuk mengisi neraka, tidak jatuh untuk itu dan tidak melayani setan dengan menjadi bagian dari it.Preach pertobatan karena ada benar-benar tidak ada time.The kedatangan Kristus sekarang.
Bahasa inggris
I was in prayer when The Lord showed me this vision.
I saw a demon that the Lord told me is behind the prosperity gospel,I.e only preaching about blessings and neglecting the message of salvation.
The Lord made it clear that is the work of satan and not God.
God is very unhappy with preachers who are not preaching the full gospel but are just telling people what their itching ears want to hear.
If you are one of those ministers,repent now and begin to preach what is on the heart of Jesus;the way of salvation.
The I saw another evil spirit that the Lord told me is the spirit of fear.
I saw that when it opened its mouth,some form of mist would be released from its mouth and it covered the evangelists,preachers etc causing them to be greatly inflicted by fear.
Despite them knowing the truth,they became so afraid of preaching it.
The Lord is greatly displeased with the prosperity gospel and He told me that because it does not please Him,the people will keep receiving messages from the prosperity gospel preachers about how God will cause them to prosper but in reality those people will not receive those blessings because they are living in sin.
They will face closed heaven because the Lord wants righteousness first before we seek those blessings.
Millions and millions of souls are endingup in hell because when they go to church they are not told the truth,they are just told about blessings.
But what is money if you lose your soul?
The bible says a prophet of the Lord will turn people from their sin.
And the Lord says if they had stood in His presence they would have turned people from their sin.
If every time you go to church all you hear are blessings without being told about the reality of Heaven and hell,about the coming of Christ and the holiness Jesus requires,run for your life because your soul is very precious.
The prosperity gospel is just satan's trick to populate hell,don't fall for it and don't serve satan by being part of it.Preach repentance because there's really no time.The coming of Christ is now.
I saw a demon that the Lord told me is behind the prosperity gospel,I.e only preaching about blessings and neglecting the message of salvation.
The Lord made it clear that is the work of satan and not God.
God is very unhappy with preachers who are not preaching the full gospel but are just telling people what their itching ears want to hear.
If you are one of those ministers,repent now and begin to preach what is on the heart of Jesus;the way of salvation.
The I saw another evil spirit that the Lord told me is the spirit of fear.
I saw that when it opened its mouth,some form of mist would be released from its mouth and it covered the evangelists,preachers etc causing them to be greatly inflicted by fear.
Despite them knowing the truth,they became so afraid of preaching it.
The Lord is greatly displeased with the prosperity gospel and He told me that because it does not please Him,the people will keep receiving messages from the prosperity gospel preachers about how God will cause them to prosper but in reality those people will not receive those blessings because they are living in sin.
They will face closed heaven because the Lord wants righteousness first before we seek those blessings.
Millions and millions of souls are endingup in hell because when they go to church they are not told the truth,they are just told about blessings.
But what is money if you lose your soul?
The bible says a prophet of the Lord will turn people from their sin.
And the Lord says if they had stood in His presence they would have turned people from their sin.
If every time you go to church all you hear are blessings without being told about the reality of Heaven and hell,about the coming of Christ and the holiness Jesus requires,run for your life because your soul is very precious.
The prosperity gospel is just satan's trick to populate hell,don't fall for it and don't serve satan by being part of it.Preach repentance because there's really no time.The coming of Christ is now.
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