Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Maurice Sklar's Vision - August 17th, 2015

On this past Monday evening, I was listening to Rick Taylor preaching at the Healing Rooms. Suddenly, I had a vision. I saw us all pressing in with all our might in the Spirit in spiritual warfare. We had our full armor on. Our shields of faith were flush together over our heads. They were together so tight that it looked like one massive shield in front of us and over our heads like a wall of fire.

Pada Senin malam yang lalu, saya sedang menyimak kotbah Rick Taylor di Healing Rooms. Tiba-tiba, saya mendapatkan sebuah penglihatan. Saya melihat kita semua bergerak mendesak di dalam Roh dalam peperangan rohani. Kita mengenakan seluruh persenjataan. Perisai iman kita menudungi di atas semua kepala. Semua perisai begitu rapat sehingga terlihat seperti sebuah perisai raksasa yang melingkupi di depan dan di atas kepala bagaikan tembok berapi.

Our swords were drawn and out in front of us. We were not many, but we were mighty before the enemy. We were gaining ground inch by inch. Satan was hitting us with all he had. His greatest principalities were hitting us. Arrows with flaming heads were raining down upon us like rain. I could not even see the air or sky, just what looked like millions of arrows. 

Semua pedang terhunus di depan kita. Kita tidak banyak, namun amat perkasa di hadapan barisan musuh. Kita menguasai medan, inci demi inci. Satan menyerang dengan segala yang dia punya. Pemerintah-pemerintahnya yang terbesar menyerang kita. Panah-panah berapi dilemparkan kepada kita bagaikan hujan. Saya bahkan tidak bisa melihat langit di atas, hanya melihat jutaan panah tersebut.

The closest thing I could relate it to was the siege of Minas Tirith in Tolkien's Return of the King movie. The LORD spoke to me saying, "For the past three weeks, there has been an all out attack against the leaders here, as well as all of those in the earth who are contending for the great end time revival / awakening that is coming. 

Gambaran terdekat yang bisa menggambarkan adegan tersebut adalah adegan perang di Minas Tirith dalam film The Lord of The Ring III (Return of The King). TUHAN berfirman kepada saya, "Selama tiga minggu terakhir, ada sebuah serangan dahsyat yang menimpa para pemimpin, sebagaimana semua yang di bumi berjuang untuk datangnya revival atau kebangkita rohani terbesar di Akhir Zaman."

The LORD said, "LOOK UP!!" So I looked up. Then, it seemed like I zoomed outward and I saw a band of darkness around the earth. Under it, looked like "all hell" was breaking loose, literally. Demonic assaults were raining down on all nations. But, I noticed that some nations had less oppression than others. Some looked like black holes, there were so dark. Others had points of light and fires shooting upwards. 

TUHAN berkata, "LIHAT KE ATAS!" Maka saya memandang ke atas. Kemudian, seperti saya dapat memandang keluar dan saya melihat barisan kegelapan mengelilingi seluruh bumi. Di bawahnya, terlihat seperti "seluruh isi neraka" sungguh-sungguh tumpah. Serangan demonik menghujani seluruh bangsa. Namun, saya melihat beberapa negara mengalami penindasan lebih ringan daripada negara-negara lainnya. Beberapa terlihat seperti lubang hitam yang amat sangat gelap. Yang lainnya memiliki banyak titik cahaya dan api yang ditembakkan ke atas.

Then, I watched as I seemed to zoom in again to our ministry here in Santa Maria. A column of what looked like liquid fire just shot up from us above where we were battling on the earth. This fire hit the band of darkness over the earth and began to bore its' way through it like a plasma laser! We were right at the edge! 

Kemudian, saya melihat lagi pelayanan kami di Santa Maria. Sebuah pilar yang tampak seperti cairan api tertembak dari kita ke atas di mana kita sedang bertempur di bumi. Pilar api ini memukul barisan kegelapan yang menutupi bumi dan mulai melubangi bagaikan sebuah plasma laser! Kita berada tepat di penghujung!

On the other side of that dark band was light that was so bright that I could hardly see for a time. Then, my eyes seemed to adjust, and I saw the LORD seated on His white horse. Behind Him were the armies of angels as far as I could see. Then, I saw the Heavenly Saints behind them on horses and chariots of Fire. They were all waiting for the moment when the columns of the Fire of God would break through that dark band around the earth.

Di sisi lain barisan kegelapan ada cahaya yang begitu terang sehingga saya sulit melihat dalam sesaat. Lalu, mata saya bisa beradaptasi, dan saya melihat TUHAN duduk di atas kuda putih-Nya. Di belakang-Nya adalah bala tentara malaikat sejauh saya memandang. Lalu, saya melihat Orang-Orang Kudus di belakang mereka di atas kuda-kuda dan kereta-kereta berapi. Mereka semua menunggu saat ketika pilar Api Tuhan menerobos barisan kegelapan yang melingkupi bumi.



Then He opened my eyes and I saw millions of praying saints in many places praying together in unity and love throughout the earth. There were these same columns of white-hot fire ascending over them. Many hundreds had reached the band of darkness. About ten were already more than halfway bored through already. I saw that those prayer warriors that had hit the dark band were attacked so badly, that many were reeling back and some had fallen, because of the fierceness of the demonic attack. BUT, THEY WERE NOT RETREATING!!

Kemudian Ia membuka mata saya dan saya melihat jutaan orang percaya di berbagai tempat berdoa dalam unity dan kasih di seluruh bumi. Ada begitu banyak pilar berapi yang sama naik dari tempat mereka berdoa. Ratusan pilar telah menembus barisan kegelapan tersebut. Sekitar sepuluh sudah lebih dari separuh jalan menerobos. Saya melihat para pejuang pendoa yang memukul balik barisan kegelapan diserang dengan amat parah, banyak dari mereka terguncang dan beberapa terjatuh, karena keganasan serangan demonik tersebut. NAMUN, MEREKA TIDAK UNDUR!!





Then, the vision ended.

Penglihatan berakhir.

20 Agustus 2015
Maurice Sklar

Senin, 17 Agustus 2015

Penglihatan yang diberikan oleh hambanya Rachael inonge.M

May I share with you a few more visions of hell given to me by the
Lord on different days? It's my responsibility to warn you of this
place because I don't want to be held accountable for anyone's soul
that day. The Lord said to me, "If I tell you to deliver a warning but
you fail to do it, those people will die in their sin, but I’ll hold you
responsible." (Ezekiel 33:8)
The Lord showed me hell. The section He showed me was so vast. I
can't estimate how large it was. Thousands of souls fall into hell
everyday and the Lord said hell is never satisfied and has enlarged
itself (Isaiah 5:14) . This section was very vast, gloomy, and filled
with red hot liquid fire, the kind you see in a volcano. It looked like a
lake that was filled with fire instead of water. There were so many
people here all screaming in great sorrow and agony.
The Lord showed me the punishment for gossipers, liars, people
who tell dirty jokes, dirty stories, and use their tongues in sin. I saw
a man. His tongue suddenly expanded and exploded and
immediately, his mouth was filled with worms in the place of the
tongue! There were countless large worms going in and out of his
mouth! It was terrible to behold.
In this other section that the Lord showed me, there were really
huge flames. The flames were never reduced but kept burning so
very hot, exploding as though the heat was being increased. I saw a
woman who was being strangled by a serpent. It was large and
squeezed itself around her body so tightly. I also saw another
woman. Her flesh was totally destroyed. All the flesh on her head
was destroyed and her head was covered in worms.
Widespread Demonic Pollution in the World
Jesus told us there are many things used on earth that are actually
made in the satanic kingdom and meant to cause demonic
possession and control. He told us there are so many things,
including food, drinks, clothes, (satan has infiltrated everywhere.
That is why Christians should now rise up in prayer) have demons
assigned to possess people and influence them to sin. That is why
it is important to pray and commit whatever we buy into the hands
of God, and destroy the satanic powers it may come with.
He told us that television is one of his biggest baits to trap people
to hell. The Lord said, “Those programs shown on TV are not
meant to entertain you, but to take you to hell. Many are in hell
because of TV. Many movies are written by satan and acted by his
agents, just to trap people to hell. It breaks My heart to see how
humanity falls for it. Do not watch secular TV. It will take you to
hell.” He said, “It's satan’s bait to lead you to sin, to destroy your
soul. You have to crucify the flesh. Do not obey the desires of your
flesh. Obey the Holy Spirit.”
The Lord showed us demons that looked like cartoon characters;
some even looked like characters from some Christian cartoons!
This shocked us but the Lord told us it’s not all “Christian”
programs that are really Christian. Many are just a disguise and the
“Christian” label is meant to just trap Christians into watching them
when they are actually meant to promote sin and lead people to
The Lord showed us many movies, books, and even children’s
cartoons that are written by satan and brought to earth by his
agents. The names of demonic cartoons and dolls that He revealed
to us are Mudpit, Barbie®, Scooby Doo®, Ben 10®, Avatar, Pixel
pinkie®, and the Walt Disney® versions of Cinderella, Beauty and
the Beast, and the Little Mermaid. The Lord said all these cartoons
have demons assigned to possess children. Jesus said to me, "Can
you see how cruel satan is? He wants to trap even children to hell."
I also saw a demon that looked like a character from a Christian
cartoon about Moses produced by Nest Entertainment® (see
Author's footnote). The demon looked like the baby Moses from
this animated movie, and it was laughing, saying it had deceived
Christians! I also saw a demon that looked like Aang from the
Avatar cartoon! We had many of these cartoons at home and Jesus
instructed us to burn them.
Jesus said all the cartoons I have listed here were drawn in demons’
images (i.e., there are demons that look exactly like them), but I
want to clarify that Jesus only showed me some and not all of
them. Aside from the cartoon demons I saw, which I have
mentioned specifically, Jesus didn’t show me the other cartoons.
He only mentioned them, saying they are demonic.
I’d also like to mention that I not only saw the demons that look like
Barbie® cartoons, but I also saw Barbie® dolls. In fact, I saw the
Barbie® dolls in many visions at different times. In one vision, I
saw a several things displayed for sale on a stand, including
Barbie® dolls. One of the dolls turned to face me, and began saying
mockingly that they (demons) have deceived humanity. And the
next moment it just froze and looked like a normal plastic doll!
Jesus said even some children's books have demons assigned to
them. He mentioned a specific children's book called "Rattlesnake."
We have never seen or read this particular book Jesus was talking
about, but He said this children's book is from hell. This is true of
even some so-called Christian books. Jesus revealed to us that
even the "Watchtower and Awake” magazines, produced by
Jehovah's Witnesses, are demonic and He doesn’t want His
children reading them. The Lord revealed some secular magazines
to avoid, as well. Some of them are "Drum” magazine,” “You”
magazine, and “People” magazine.
Jesus told us that these all have a mission of taking people to hell,
not entertaining them. He said, "The world has become a dark place
and that’s why I want you to be led by the spirit in everything you
do." He told us, “These books, movies, soap operas, and cartoons
are not meant to entertain you, but to take you to hell. They are
satan’s bait. Do not fall for it."
The Lord told us satan even assigns demons to children's stickers,
as well. These are cartoon and other stickers like Hannah Montana
and Barbie® stickers.
He told us secular music will also lead you to hell, and it’s also a
trap from satan.
Get Rid of Artificial Things
He told us He doesn’t want Christian women to be artificial in any
way; He said He doesn’t want them to use artificial hair, jewelry (ear
rings, bracelets etc.), artificial eyelashes, artificial nails, paint nails,
lipstick, eyebrow pencil, or use any of that makeup.
He wants them to remain the way they were created. Be proud of
how He created you. That’s what pleases him.
When He said this, there was anger in His voice, He said, “Why are
you trying to change what I have created? I don’t want those things
on My children. If you want those things, why don’t you make your
own humans that you are going to put those things on. Don’t
change what I’ve made!
“All these artificial things are from satan. I don’t want them on my
children,” Jesus doesn’t want them. Get rid of them and repent.
They will lead you to hell.
The Lord showed me something very shocking; I saw a demon in
form of a woman and it was wearing all that stuff: artificial
eyelashes, lipstick, and tight clothing. It was only then that I realized
where these things originate; from satan himself. He told us how
these things are from hell and satan has brought them to earth to
deceive humanity.
I am not exaggerating. I am saying it as the Lord said it. It’s my
responsibility to warn you about this, because we are all going to
face God one day.
I am telling you the truth. Jesus doesn’t like those things. He is
pleased when we remain the way He created us; this is what He told
Modesty and Holiness
He also told us He doesn’t want Christian women to wear trousers
or jewelry. The Lord allowed my sister to hear satan giving
instructions to his demons. He was saying, "Make sure they write
'LADIES TROUSERS' (on the label) so that women will wear them
and come to hell.”
The Lord also showed me a demon in the form of a naked woman,
standing on a high wall. Though totally naked and on a high wall,
this demon kept trying to hide its nakedness by just covering itself
in bits, using its hands and squatting. But it wouldn’t put on any
clothes! Jesus told me, "This is the demon of nudity that controls
women in the world, and that is why they go out in public naked and
only cover their bodies in bits." Jesus also told me something else.
He said, "This demon of nudity has entered many churches."

Translate indonesia

Mungkin saya berbagi dengan Anda visi beberapa neraka diberikan kepada saya oleh
Tuhan pada hari yang berbeda? Ini tanggung jawab saya untuk memperingatkan Anda tentang ini
tempat karena saya tidak ingin bertanggung jawab atas jiwa siapa pun
hari itu. Tuhan berkata kepada saya, "Jika saya memberitahu Anda untuk memberikan peringatan tapi
Anda gagal untuk melakukannya, orang-orang akan mati dalam dosa mereka, tapi aku akan terus Anda
bertanggung jawab. " (Yehezkiel 33: 8)
Tuhan menunjukkan neraka. Bagian Dia menunjukkan begitu besar. Saya
tidak bisa memperkirakan seberapa besar itu. Ribuan jiwa jatuh ke dalam neraka
setiap hari dan Tuhan berkata neraka tidak pernah puas dan telah membesar
itu sendiri (Yesaya 5:14). Bagian ini sangat luas, suram, dan penuh
dengan merah api cairan panas, seperti yang Anda lihat di gunung berapi. Itu tampak seperti
danau yang dipenuhi dengan api bukan air. Ada begitu banyak
orang di sini semua berteriak dalam kesedihan besar dan penderitaan.
Tuhan menunjukkan hukuman bagi penggosip, pembohong, orang
yang menceritakan lelucon kotor, cerita kotor, dan menggunakan lidah mereka dalam dosa. Aku melihat
seorang laki-laki. Lidahnya tiba-tiba diperluas dan meledak dan
segera, mulutnya penuh dengan cacing di tempat yang
lidah! Ada cacing besar yang tak terhitung jumlahnya akan masuk dan keluar dari nya
mulut! Itu mengerikan untuk dilihat.
Pada bagian ini lain bahwa Tuhan menunjukkan, ada benar-benar
api besar. Api tidak pernah berkurang, tapi terus menyala sehingga
sangat panas, meledak seakan panas sedang meningkat. Aku melihat seorang
wanita yang sedang dicekik oleh seekor ular. Itu besar dan
diperas sendiri sekitar tubuhnya begitu erat. Saya juga melihat lain
wanita. Dagingnya hancur total. Semua daging di kepalanya
hancur dan kepalanya ditutupi cacing.
Polusi iblis luas di Dunia
Yesus mengatakan kepada kita ada banyak hal yang digunakan di bumi yang benar-benar
dibuat di kerajaan setan dan dimaksudkan untuk menyebabkan setan
kepemilikan dan kontrol. Dia mengatakan kepada kami ada begitu banyak hal,
termasuk makanan, minuman, pakaian, (setan telah menyusup di mana-mana.
Itu sebabnya orang-orang Kristen sekarang harus bangkit dalam doa) harus setan
ditugaskan untuk memiliki orang-orang dan mempengaruhi mereka untuk berbuat dosa. Itulah mengapa
penting untuk berdoa dan melakukan apa pun yang kita beli ke tangan
Allah, dan menghancurkan kekuatan setan mungkin datang dengan.
Dia mengatakan kepada kami bahwa televisi merupakan salah satu umpan yang terbesar untuk menjebak orang
ke neraka. Tuhan berkata, "Program-program yang ditampilkan di TV tidak
dimaksudkan untuk menghibur Anda, tapi untuk membawa Anda ke neraka. Banyak yang di neraka
karena TV. Banyak film yang ditulis oleh setan dan bertindak dengan nya
agen, hanya untuk menjebak orang ke neraka. Ini menghancurkan hati saya untuk melihat bagaimana
manusia jatuh untuk itu. Jangan menonton TV sekuler. Ini akan membawa Anda ke
neraka. "Dia berkata," Ini umpan setan untuk memimpin engkau, untuk menghancurkan Anda
jiwa. Anda harus menyalibkan daging. Jangan menuruti keinginan Anda
daging. Patuhi Roh Kudus. "
Tuhan menunjukkan kepada kita setan yang tampak seperti karakter kartun;
! beberapa bahkan tampak seperti karakter dari beberapa kartun Kristen
ini mengejutkan kita tetapi Tuhan mengatakan kepada kami itu tidak semua "Kristen"
program yang benar-benar Kristen. Banyak yang hanya menyamar dan
"Kristen" label dimaksudkan untuk orang-orang Kristen hanya perangkap ke dalam menonton mereka
ketika mereka benar-benar dimaksudkan untuk mempromosikan dosa dan memimpin orang-orang untuk
Tuhan menunjukkan kepada kita banyak film, buku, dan bahkan anak-anak
kartun yang ditulis oleh setan dan membawa ke bumi oleh-Nya
agen. Nama-nama kartun setan dan boneka yang Dia mengungkapkan
kepada kita adalah mudpit, Barbie®, Scooby Doo®, Ben 10®, Avatar, Pixel
pinkie®, dan versi Walt Disney® Cinderella, Kecantikan dan
Beast, dan Little Mermaid . Tuhan mengatakan semua kartun ini
memiliki setan ditugaskan untuk memiliki anak. Yesus berkata kepada saya, "Bisakah
Anda melihat bagaimana kejam setan? Dia ingin menjebak bahkan anak-anak ke neraka. "
Saya juga melihat setan yang tampak seperti karakter dari seorang Kristen
kartun tentang Musa yang dihasilkan oleh Nest Entertainment® (lihat
catatan kaki penulis) . Setan tampak seperti bayi Musa dari
film animasi ini, dan itu tertawa, mengatakan telah ditipu
Kristen! Saya juga melihat setan yang tampak seperti Aang dari
Avatar kartun! Kami memiliki banyak kartun ini di rumah dan Yesus
memerintahkan kita untuk membakar mereka.
Yesus mengatakan semua kartun saya tercantum di sini yang ditarik setan '
gambar (yaitu, ada setan yang terlihat persis seperti mereka), tapi saya
ingin menjelaskan bahwa Yesus hanya menunjukkan beberapa dan tidak semua dari
mereka. Selain dari setan kartun saya melihat, yang telah saya
sebutkan secara spesifik, Yesus tidak menunjukkan kartun lainnya.
Dia hanya menyebutkan mereka, mengatakan mereka setan.
Saya juga ingin menyebutkan bahwa saya tidak hanya melihat setan-setan yang terlihat seperti
kartun Barbie®, tapi saya juga melihat boneka Barbie®. Bahkan, saya melihat
boneka Barbie® di banyak visi pada waktu yang berbeda. Dalam satu visi, saya
melihat beberapa hal yang ditampilkan untuk dijual di stand, termasuk
boneka Barbie®. Salah satu boneka berbalik ke arahku, dan mulai mengatakan
mengejek bahwa mereka (setan) telah menipu umat manusia. Dan
saat berikutnya itu hanya membeku dan tampak seperti boneka plastik normal!
Yesus berkata buku bahkan beberapa anak memiliki setan ditugaskan untuk
mereka. Dia menyebutkan buku anak-anak tertentu yang disebut "Rattlesnake."
Kami tidak pernah melihat atau membaca buku tertentu Yesus berbicara
tentang, tapi Dia mengatakan buku ini anak-anak adalah dari neraka. Hal ini berlaku dari
bahkan beberapa buku Kristen disebut. Yesus mengungkapkan kepada kita bahwa
bahkan "Menara Pengawal dan Sedarlah" majalah, yang diproduksi oleh
Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa, adalah setan dan Dia tidak ingin Nya
anak-anak membaca mereka. Tuhan mengungkapkan beberapa majalah sekuler
untuk menghindari, juga. Beberapa dari mereka adalah "Drum "majalah," "Kamu"
majalah, dan "Orang-orang" majalah.
Yesus mengatakan kepada kita bahwa ini semua memiliki misi mengambil orang-orang ke neraka,
tidak menghibur mereka. Dia mengatakan, "Dunia telah menjadi tempat gelap
dan itu sebabnya aku ingin kau dipimpin oleh semangat di segala sesuatu yang Anda
lakukan. " Dia mengatakan kepada kami, "Buku-buku, film, sinetron, dan film kartun
tidak dimaksudkan untuk menghibur Anda, tapi untuk membawa Anda ke neraka. Mereka
umpan setan. Jangan jatuh untuk itu. "
Tuhan mengatakan kepada kami Setan bahkan memberikan setan untuk stiker anak-anak,
juga. Ini adalah kartun dan stiker lain seperti Hannah Montana
dan Barbie® stiker.
Dia mengatakan kepada kami musik sekuler juga akan membawa Anda ke neraka, dan itu juga
. perangkap dari setan
Lunasi Buatan Hal
Dia mengatakan kepada kami dia tidak ingin wanita Kristen menjadi buatan di setiap
cara; Dia mengatakan Dia tidak ingin mereka menggunakan rambut buatan, perhiasan (telinga
cincin, gelang dll) , bulu mata buatan, kuku palsu, kuku cat,
lipstik, pensil alis, atau menggunakan riasan yang.
Dia ingin mereka untuk tetap cara mereka diciptakan. Jadilah bangga
bagaimana Dia menciptakan Anda. Itulah yang menyenangkan Dia.
Ketika Ia mengatakan hal ini , ada kemarahan dalam suara-Nya, Dia berkata, "Mengapa
Anda mencoba untuk mengubah apa yang telah saya buat? Saya tidak ingin hal-hal
pada anak-anak saya. Jika Anda ingin hal-hal, kenapa tidak Anda membuat Anda
manusia sendiri yang Anda akan menempatkan hal-hal di. Jangan
mengubah apa yang telah saya buat!
"Semua hal ini buatan dari setan. Saya tidak ingin mereka pada saya
anak-anak, "Yesus tidak ingin mereka. Menyingkirkan mereka dan bertobat.
Mereka akan membawa Anda ke neraka.
Tuhan menunjukkan sesuatu yang sangat mengejutkan; Aku melihat setan di
bentuk seorang wanita dan mengenakan semua hal: buatan
bulu mata, lipstik, dan pakaian ketat. Itu hanya kemudian saya menyadari
di mana hal-hal ini berasal; dari Setan sendiri. Dia mengatakan kepada kami bagaimana
hal-hal ini dari neraka dan setan telah membawa mereka ke bumi untuk
menipu umat manusia.
Saya tidak melebih-lebihkan. Saya mengatakan itu sebagai Tuhan mengatakan. Ini saya
tanggung jawab untuk memperingatkan Anda tentang hal ini, karena kita semua akan
menghadap Allah satu hari.
Saya mengatakan yang sebenarnya. Yesus tidak suka hal-hal. Dia
senang ketika kami tetap jalan Dia menciptakan kita; ini adalah apa yang Dia mengatakan kepada
Kesederhanaan dan Kekudusan
Dia juga mengatakan kepada kita Dia tidak ingin wanita Kristen memakai celana
atau perhiasan. Tuhan mengizinkan kakak saya mendengar setan memberi
instruksi kepada setan. Ia mengatakan, "Pastikan mereka menulis
'LADIES CELANA' (pada label) sehingga wanita akan memakai mereka
dan datang ke neraka. "
Tuhan juga menunjukkan setan dalam bentuk wanita telanjang,
berdiri di atas tembok tinggi . Meskipun benar-benar telanjang dan di dinding yang tinggi,
setan ini terus berusaha untuk menyembunyikan ketelanjangan yang dengan hanya menutupi dirinya
dalam bit, menggunakan tangan dan jongkok. Tapi itu tidak akan menempatkan pada setiap
pakaian! Yesus mengatakan kepada saya, "Ini adalah iblis ketelanjangan yang mengontrol
wanita di dunia, dan itulah sebabnya mereka pergi keluar di depan umum telanjang dan
hanya menutupi tubuh mereka dalam bit. "Yesus juga mengatakan kepada saya sesuatu yang lain.
Dia berkata, "Ini setan ketelanjangan telah memasuki banyak gereja."

Penglihatan kpd hambanya Rachael inonge.M

When I was praying,the Lord Jesus Christ showed me that in each town/city,there is a demon of worldliness that rules.He showed me a chair set so high like a throne,on it sat a female demon and the Lord told me it's the demon of worldliness,and it controls the city.Because of it people dress and adorn themselves in ways that are unpleasing to the Lord.The Lord told me this exists in every city and town and that's the reason why worldliness is so wide spread.Its time to pull these thrones down in Jesus' name.The Lord then told me that Satan has put demons of divorce in wigs and jewellery and that people will just begin to notice their marriages falling apart without knowing it's these spirits behind that.He Said this is because Satan hates marriage and loves divorce and destruction,he is just using this as a way to spread his demons.The Lord also told me that these things are also the reason why some people have spiritual husbands/wives.The Lord also told me that it's also the reason why some people keep receiving prophesy about what the Lord would do in their lives but it doesn't get fulfilled because they are living in disobedience.I was at a prayer meeting onedayw and there was a lady there whom the Lord wanted to use greatly.This man of God prophesied to her about it and asked me to pray for her but the momment i wanted to do that,the Lord Jesus Christ said to me,"tell her to first remove her idolds" (refering to the jewelry and makeup and fake hair the lady was wearing).The reason it's wrong to use these things isn't because of the demons Satan has put there but because
The Lord forbids these things.Hes made it clear they are unpleasing to Him.So He will not cleanse them when He has cursed them.Satan polutes alot of other things we use here on earth as well with different demons but when we pray,the Lord cleanses them.But the Lord will not cleanse things He has cursed and classified as sinful.However,true repentance starts from the heart,its not just outward.It begins in the heart then showd on the outside.Remember we are nothing without Jesus and so only Jesus can help us repent.True repentance requires us letting go of those things in our hearts,not desiring them anymore and then stopping to use them because we choose to live in obedience.Thats what pleases God.The Lord told me worldly dressing and adornments and all those other sinful lifestyles is the reason some people keep asking certain things from the Lord but dont receive because they are living in disobedience.This also applies for other types of disobedience.Not that its wrong to fast but oneday the Lord told me that if people lived in obedience, they wouldnt have to go on many days of fasting just to get married or to get a job or their hearts desire.Delight yourself in God and He will give you your hearts desire not just in heaven but on earth as well.Isaiah 59:1-2
Always pray about any revelations,when you are in doubt do not just criticize but rather seek God about it because He will never lie to you.He doesn't want anyone to perish.

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015

Sang Pendakwa (The Accuser)

Sang Pendakwa (The Accuser)
This afternoon I had a vision. I was allowed to stand in the Throne Room of the LORD. The worship before His Throne is awesome and ecstatic. I was caught up for some time in the Song of the LORD in Adoration.

Sore ini saya mendapatkan sebuah penglihatan. Saya diperkenankan untuk berdiri di dalam Ruang Takhta TUHAN. Penyembahan di hadapan Takhta-Nya begitu menakjubkan dan penuh sukacita. Beberapa kali saya mendapati diri saya dalam Nyanyian Pemujaan kepada TUHAN.

Suddenly, everyone became silent.

Tiba-tiba, semua orang terdiam.

Then, after some minutes (?), I watched as what looked like a perfect "man" came forward and stood in front of God. He looked like a prince. He was a very handsome man, but I knew that something was terribly wrong with him. He had a haughtiness about him, and was clothed in a majestic robe that kept changing colors, from black through the rainbow color spectrum and back to white and then, in reverse back to black again. This happened every minute or so. But each time it returned to white, it was more and more grayish.

Kemudian, setelah beberapa menit (?), saya melihat sesosok "pria" sempurna datang maju dan berdiri di hadapan Tuhan. Ia tampak seperti seorang pangeran. Ia sangat tampan, namun saya tahu bahwa ada sesuatu yang amat salah dengannya. Ia memiliki sebuah keangkuhan dan berpakaian sebuah jubah kemegahan yang terus menerus berubah warna, dari hitam ke spektrum pelangi dan kembali ke putih dan kembali lagi ke hitam, begitu seterusnya. Ini terjadi beberapa menit. Namun setiap kali kembali ke warna putih, putihnya menjadi semakin kelabu.

He stood there with a mocking expression with his hands on his hips. As he smiled, it looked pure evil, such hate was in his eyes toward God. I was astonished that anyone could stand in this Holy Place like that. I thought to myself, "Why doesn't the LORD do something and throw this impudent man out of here immediately?!" I noticed that all the music and the worship was stopped. Just total silence. The Living Creatures were hovering above the Throne, but without making a sound, just everyone's eyes were glued on this proud, hateful "man".

Ia berdiri di sana dengan ekspresi mengejek sambil berkacak pinggang. Selagi ia tersenyum, tampak penuh kejahatan, sejumlah kebencian dari matanya tertuju kepada Tuhan. Saya tercengang bahwa ada seorang yang mampu berdiri di Tempat Kudus dengan cara itu. Saya berpikir, "Mengapa TUHAN tidak melakukan sesuatu dan segera melempar keluar manusia durhaka ini?!" Saya menyadari semua musik dan penyembahan terhenti. Total sunyi. Segala Ciptaan melayang di atas Takhta, namun tidak menimbulkan suatu bunyi, setiap mata terpaku kepada "pria" congkak itu.

There was just that deafening pregnant silence for some time. Finally, the Father spoke from the Throne in a booming Voice that shook the pillars and the whole floor. I trembled. "SATAN, What have you come here for?!" He thundered.

Ada kesunyian untuk beberapa saat. Akhirnya, Bapa berbicara dari Takhta dalam Suara yang menggelegar yang menggetarkan pilar-pilar dan seluruh lantai. Saya terguncang. "SATAN, untuk apa kamu datang ke sini?!" Ia mengguntur.

"I am here to inform you that Your Plan has failed. Your church is divided, rife with sin, idolatry, uncleanness. Israel is surrounded by my warriors, who will destroy her. Even You", he sneered, "can't stop me now! This generation is mine! They don't love You. They don't want You. They love me! Not You! Just look at them running after my every pleasure and sin! What do You say now, oh great lover of Adam's hopeless race? Millions are perishing forever in my domain! And all you can do is look on in despair, they will NEVER come into your Kingdom NOW!"

"Aku di sini untuk memberitahukan bahwa Rencana-Mu telah gagal. Gereja-Mu terbelah, penuh dengan dosa, berhala, kenajisan. Israel terkepung oleh pasukanku, yang akan menghancurkannya. Bahkan Engkau", ia menyeringai, "tak dapat menghentikanku sekarang! Generasi ini milikku! Mereka tidak mengasihi-Mu. Mereka tidak menginginkan-Mu. Mereka mengasihiku! Bukan Engkau! Cukup melihat mereka berlari kepada setiap kesenangan dan dosa dariku! Apa yang hendak Kau katakan sekarang, oh Maha Pengasih ras Adam yang tak berpengharapan? Jutaan orang sedang binasa di dalam kuasaku! Dan yang Kau lakukan hanya melihat semua kemusnahan itu, mereka TAKKAN PERNAH masuk ke dalam Kerajaan-Mu SEKARANG!"

I was astonished as I watched this "beautiful" man as he began to change in his appearance before everyone! He began to change into a hideous demonic form, with large horns and reptilian-like skin. Then his eyes began to glow red and he grew into a being that looked about 30 feet tall. Claws grew out where the man's hands once were. He had giant wings but they looked like an old bat, like they had been eaten away by some awful disease. He was very muscular in this alternate form, but his flesh was dark gray and blackened in many places with what looked like soot. I was looking at Satan himself! What a hideous creature he is! Maybe he was once beautiful, but no more!

Saya terpaku sambil memandang pria "indah" ini mulai berubah penampilannya di hadapan semua orang! Ia berubah menjadi sebuah bentuk demonik yang mengerikan, dengan tanduk yang panjang dan kulit reptil. Lalu matanya mulai menyala merah dan ia membesar sekitar 9 meter tingginya. Kuku-kuku memanjang di setiap jarinya. Ia memiliki sayap-sayap yang besar namun terlihat seperti kekelawar tua, seperti telah termakan penyakit yang mengerikan. Ia tampak sangat berotot, namun tubuhnya menjadi abu-abu gelap dan di beberapa tempat menghitam. Saya melihat Satan itu! Sungguh makhluk yang mengerikan! Mungkin dahulu begitu indah, namun sekarang tidak lagi!

Yet, he did not stay in that form long. When he finished that accusation, he once again transformed back like the "man" who first entered, except, I could faintly see the outline of his once angelic wings now behind him.

Namun, ia tidak mempertahankan bentuknya yang mengerikan itu. Ketika ia selesai mendakwa, ia kembali berubah menjadi bentuk "pria" yang semula, kecuali, sekarang saya bisa melihat sekilas garis tipis sayap malaikat belakangnya.

"Satan, I have seen this day from before the Dawn of Time! I know ALL that are Mine. Not one of them shall perish! I died and shed My Blood for them all. I was condemned in their place!"

"Satan, Aku telah melihat hari ini sebelum Permulaan Waktu! Aku tahu bahwa SEMUA yang adalah milik-Ku. Tidak ada satupun yang akan binasa! Aku telah mati dan mencurahkan Darah-Ku untuk mereka semua. Aku telah menjadi kutuk menggantikan mereka!"

When He had said, "My Blood", Satan shuddered and fell on his face before God. It was obvious he could no longer speak to God. His accusations had been silenced this time once again.

Ketika Tuhan berkata, "Darah-Ku," Satan gemetar dan wajahnya tersungkur di hadapan Tuhan. Sudah amat jelas ia tak lagi mampu berbicara di hadapan Tuhan. Dakwaan-dakwaannya dibungkam sekali lagi.

God continued,

Tuhan melanjutkan,

"The only souls that are lost are the ones you planted in the Earth! Do not accuse ME or My People of unfaithfulness! All that are Mine are destined to come to Me and are written in My Book. Nothing you do can stop Me or them! Nothing takes Me by surprise. Even your fall, and your defeat at the Cross were foreknown before you were even created. Now, Your hours are numbered. You END is near!! Soon, you shall be silenced and no longer shall you hurt or destroy My People.

"Jiwa-jiwa yang terhilang adalah mereka yang kau tanam sendiri di Bumi! Jangan mendakwa AKU atau Umat-Ku yang tidak setia! Semua milik-Ku ditakdirkan untuk datang kepada-Ku dan mereka tertulis dalam Kitab-Ku. Tidak ada yang dapat kau perbuat untuk menghentikan-Ku atau mereka! Tidak ada yang mengejutkanku. Bahkan kejatuhanmu, dan kekalahanmu di Kayu Salib telah diketahui sebelum engkau diciptakan. Sekarang, waktumu telah dihitung. Kesudahanmu sudah dekat!! Segera, engkau akan bungkam dan tidak lagi menyakiti atau menghancurkan Umat-Ku.

"No matter how hard you try, you shall never succeed in mixing the Seed of the Righteous with the seeds of wickedness and evil. Your time is almost over! Then you shall burn forever in the lake of fire prepared for you and all who follow you. Every soul that joins you there shall only add to your everlasting torments."

"Tidak peduli seberapa keras engkau berusaha, engkau takkan pernah berhasil mencampur Benih Kebenaran dengan benih kejahatan. Waktumu hampir habis! Kemudian engkau akan dibuang selamanya ke dalam lautan api yang telah dipersiapkan bagimu dan seluruh pengikutmu. Setiap jiwa yang bergabung denganmu hanya akan menambah siksaan kekalmu."

Satan suddenly disappeared in a flash of smoke and fire, and the worship and glory of the LORD filled that Holy Place once again.

Mendadak Satan lenyap dalam kilatan asap dan api, dan penyembahan dan kemuliaan TUHAN memenuhi Tempat Kudus itu kembali.

Then, the vision ended.

Lalu, penglihatan berakhir.

I don't claim to fully understand this vision, but, by His Grace, I was faithful to record what I saw and heard.

Saya tidak sepenuhnya memahami penglihatan tersebut, namun, oleh anugerah-Nya, saya setia merekam apa yang telah saya lihat dan dengar.

May the LORD bless you and keep you, dearly Beloved ones!

Biarlah TUHAN memberkati dan menjagamu, semua yang terkasih!

Maurice Sklar
Wednesday, July 22, 2015